Investing in yourself!

Pastors/Ministry Leaders are notorious for working themselves into the ground.  Everywhere I go and talk with those who lead ministries, it seems they’re so busy they can’t even think…and since they’re the ones in spiritual leadership roles that fact is extremely scary.  At least it should be!time-quadrants1

Let’s face it, we are all busy.  However, it seems we in leadership roles within the Church/Para-Church realm wear this undisciplined busyness as a badge of honor rather than shame.  It seems that if you’re busy all the time then others can’t accuse you of being lazy.  I would say that undisciplined busyness is exactly that: LAZY!  It’s always easier to address the urgent rather than the important.  How many times do we get to the end of the day and realize that we’ve spent all our energy in Quadrants #1 and #3, fighting fires and constant interruptions only to realize that we’ve inadvertently neglected to focus on the important matter of investing in our self-growth?  I’m afraid most pastors/ministry leaders would have to admit it happens much more than they’d care to acknowledge.

I understand.  It is the pace of our culture.  How can we control the needs of those we serve?  The fact it we can’t!  That is where we must start.  When we say we can’t invest in our self-growth because we are too busy meeting the needs for those we feel God has called us to serve it sounds good at first glance.  However, upon slowing down enough to actually hear that statement, it makes absolutely no sense!  What if your doctor told you he didn’t have enough time to invest in his knowledge of new medical breakthroughs because he was too busy treating patients?  That makes no sense, and it is exactly why some professions require continued education for the providers of such services.  How could that be any more important for doctors, lawyers, teachers, and business leaders than it is for our spiritual leaders?

Please contact me today and ask about our upcoming Pastors/Ministry Leaders Mastermind Group starting the second week in December.  The group size is limited to no more than 12 and I already have three people committed.  This will be your first step to commit to your own self-growth.  I’ve also got some other options if this one doesn’t work for you right now.  Just email me at or call me at 423-791-2913 today!  Pastors/Ministry Leaders, INVEST IN YOURSELF!

Keith E. Glover is a Leadership Coach, Consultant & Trainer with ConnectionPoint which exists to make good leaders great so they can better serve those to whom God has called them to lead!

Published by Keith Glover

It is my life's mission to help those whom God brings into my path to Discover their unique gifts and talents, Develop those gifts and talents, and help them live out their Destiny.

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